Latex Props & Costumes & more...

Swordfish fictitious for Heineken Commercial

Some of the latex costumes & complements
 that we maded for Nintendo Dragon Quest VI Spot 

Macaroon Costume for Pastas Gallo Commercial

Latex costume Main Character's for the 3D Short Film "Papá Insecto"

We were part of the construction team characters of 
 Canal Cuatro childre'ns serie:  Los Algos 
Was a total of 11 characters and 22 puppets: 
11 muppets & 11 bunrakus (big articulate puppets with legs)

Latex & Polystyrene Angry Birds for a Commercial

Latex prosthesis for FX make up professional

Ear latex prop

Latex dress

Latex USB, for Euskaltel commercial "Estoy on line" (I'm on line)

Latex animals & more for "Los Lunnis" (TVE muppet serie)